Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Counting our blessings 1. phoebe 2. phoebe 3. ph...

I had the **extreme pleasure** of overhearing my dear husband go on and on to his friend about our daughter, and how excited and proud he is, calling her "daddy's little girl", and beaming about her...saying she is beautiful, and saying that "the best thing is that this is from the Lord". <3 I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who loves Jesus!

After the chat with his friend, he came to me and said "If you asked me 10 years ago if I thought I would be adopting a child from China, I would have said you're crazy, but here I am, and it's great." 

This is the man who at the start of this journey was very concerned about being a good dad, very worried about how this would all work out, and praying for the Lord's clear message to do this because he was just so unsure of what Jesus wanted in all of this.

{We've come along way baby!}

Blessings, Lynette

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